Ok…just to warn you…this is not a happy fuzzy post.
But there are some things I just don’t get.
Like…Why people go swimming with sharks. Why anyone would get a tattoo with someones name in it. Why taxes are so high…why Al Gore thinks he invented the internet…why the shower curtain billows in…why my kids can’t nap at the same time every day.
Among others.
I also don’t get that when a celebrity dies…regardless of what they have done in their lives…they are suddenly martyred. Like if you accomplish enough fame in your life, you are excused from being a good human being. If you are a good enough athlete you can get away with rape…or murder even. Right? That’s what society tells us. If enough people like you, you don’t have to follow the rules.
Today I am saddened that people are SO fixated on the death of ONE human being that they are not paying attention to the fact that North Korea threatened on Wednesday to “wipe out” the United States if we dared to intercept the transport of illicit weapons.
Today I am saddened that people celebrate someone accused of being a pedophile among other things. Even if he was a great musician. That doesn’t make him worthy of a pardon.
If the una bomber was a great musician would we have pardoned him?
I am REALLY saddened by celebrity fanfare.
I hate to break it to the world but…being an actor or musician does not make you special or more important than the checkout girl at Target. Especially if you look at how little it takes to be a “celebrity” these days…people will do anything to be a “celebrity”…lie,cheat, steal and more…just look at all those smutty reality shows…because our society tries to tell us that celebrities are more important than that your average person.
It makes me sad that people will go to a concert or baseball game and raise their hands to celebrate but they won’t lift a finger let, alone raise their hands to celebrate the One who put them on the planet in the first place.
I get really concerned when anyone but Jesus is put on a pedestal.
Even if (especially if?) it is an evangelist of some sort. Kind of creeps me out how obsessed I have seen some get with a certain evangelist or author even. There is a fine line between inspiration and false idols. In my opinion.
And I even get saddened by the fact that it seems that everyone and everything is to be tolerated…
…except Christians…it seems.
I am finding that I have to purpose myself to find the good in the world…because it really feels like a whirlpool…where things are getting worse and worse. The world is really so messy. I am homesick for Heaven more than ever in my life.
I look inward a lot to find the happy things…like my kids, my husband…my family and friends.
It may have taken me until near 30 to figure it out but I think I know the purpose of life.
Love God, Love others. It’s as simple as that.
Everything else is a waste. Especially worshiping false idols.
Make sense?