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how to make baby sock sushi

Need a simple but sweet baby gift?
How about baby sock sushi?
This is super easy…but lots of bang for the buck(and effort). 🙂

This is what you need…
baby socks (I used 0-6m)
black felt
orange felt
black hair elastics
take out container

Start with a pair of socks…

Roll from the toe end out…try to keep one side even….

Secure with an elastic…

Cut a piece of black felt…approx 2in by 6in…

Wrap your sock roll in the black felt…
secure with two elastics…
one at the top and one at the bottom…

Repeat with all of your sock pairs…”garnish” with squares of orange felt…

Present them in a cute take out container…with chop sticks. 🙂
Cute and easy!

My quilt is coming along….
I think I am a little more than halfway through what I am calling step three. 🙂

Tomorrow is giveaway day!!