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how to make baby sock sushi

Need a simple but sweet baby gift?How about baby sock sushi?This is super easy…but lots of bang for the buck(and effort). 🙂 This is what you need…baby socks (I used 0-6m)black feltorange feltblack hair elasticstake out container Start with a pair of socks… Roll from the toe end out…try to keep one side even…. Secure …

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so dangerous.

Lots of things can be dangerous.Chocolate cake in less than five minutes can be very dangerous.You can probably do this right now.Ready? In a LARGE coffee mug, mix together:4 tablespoons flour4 tablespoons sugar2 tablespoons cocoa To that add:1 egg (add this first and mix thoroughly)3 tablespoons milk3 tablespoons oil3 tablespoons chocolate chips (optional-as if you …

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