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fakey. fakey.

Doug’s favorite Starbucks drink is the caramel frap…tasty but not so nice to the budget at $4.50 a pop…so in true Crystal form, I am learning how to make them myself.

I am getting close…here is the recipe so far:

1/2c coffee chilled
1/2c milk (something with a little fat in it 2% or more)
3tbs sugar
3tbs caramel topping (you can also buy Starbucks caramel)
2c ice
Blend it all together until the ice is crushed smooth, pour in a glass (like the super cool insulated Starbucks cup I bought Doug for his birthday) and top with squirt cream and a drizzle of caramel.
I am still tweaking with it…I think the caramel needs to be adjusted but this is a comparable version. 🙂

We went on a mini adventure last night…Moses got to feed some koi fish, see some ducks and turtles and spend some good boy time with his daddy. 🙂

We woke up this morning to a huge to-do list…and then I invited friends for dinner…always a good motivator! 🙂 In the spirit of “instead of doing nothing“, which is always a work in progress, Moses and I made some of my favorite chocolate chip cookies for the childcare workers at MOPS. Those ladies are the BEST and you can tell they love what they do and that they really love Moses…and Moses loves them. So the cookies are just our little way of saying thank you. 🙂

I love the photo above because Moses is totally engrossed in the cookie making, Aaron looks totally annoyed at having to be part of it…and my muffin top is hardly noticeable! 🙂

Doing lots of thinking about the direction I want my blog and shop to go…serious thinking. If you have some feedback you have been dying to share…then now is the time! I would love to hear what you would love to see and hear about! 🙂

Hope your Wednesday is wonderful! 🙂
