So…after being in business for over two years I finally decided on a logo. And believe me…I had to think about it A LOT. I have toyed with ideas since opening but never came up with something I knew I wouldn’t get sick of really fast. Then one day it hit me…the little guy above popped into my head and sweet Renee over at Thompson Designs was somehow able to put together EXACTLY what I had in my head!! 🙂 I just love it. It is simple and classic but still very me at the same time. I highly recommend her for any kind of design service you need…she is super to work with and I got my design really quickly. I couldn’t be more pleased. 🙂

Now I just have to decide where to implement my new logo…business cards and tags for sure…but I would love to work it into some sort of goody to go into orders too…

And in case you haven’t noticed…there is a new gift set for babies in the shop…this one is obviously for the boys…I’ll be giving away a girl one soon…

And finally, an initials only alternative to the name pillow. 🙂 I hope to giveaway a girl version of this item, too. 🙂
Speaking of giveaways…the winner of the wire monogram from l’alfabeto
is Angie Mae. 🙂
Congrats to you! Let me know you saw this, then contact l’alfabeto to claim your prize!
I hope to make giveaways a weekly occurrence…if you are interested in sponsoring one…you just let me know!
Happy Monday!