Yes, this is a re-post…but it’s one of my most popular…and I thought it would be perfect for the holiday season…for teachers, mailmen, bus drivers…all those folks who you never quite know what to get…you could mix it up with seasonal goodness like peppermint. 🙂
First you bake cupcakes as usual…buy some little jars…these are half pints I believe (I found them at Target but you can also get them at most grocery stores). Take the cupcake out of the paper and divide in half…place in jar. Make sure there is a gap between the two sides…these makes a nice place for the goodies to settle. 🙂

For these I added Oreos broken up…you can add anything you like…peanut butter cups, jelly beans, snickers, chocolate chips, marshmallows…on and on…whatever yummy things you like.

Then add a huge dollop of any kind of frosting the floats your boat. Don’t seal off the jar with it…you want the sprinkles you will add next to be able to fall into the jar. Add sprinkles before or/and after this step.
Take another cupcake, de-paper it and smash it into the top. Mush on the lid. Seal tightly.
You can also dress it up all fancy…make it pretty.